Baghdad Republican guard destroyed


molṑn labé
Staff member
CAMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar — American forces, which crossed the Tigris River in the drive toward the Iraqi capital, destroyed the Baghdad Division of Iraq's Republican Guard, the U.S. Central Command said Wednesday.

The U.S. forces seized the strategic town of Kut and routed the Republican Guard division force that had been guarding the highway leading to Baghdad.

"The Baghdad Division has been destroyed," said Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks.


Gonzo Propaganda
It's one division, it's pretty unclear from what I'm reading whether there are other divisions in or around Baghdad though.

Does destroyed mean they killed all of them? How many?

I've also heard the word "routed" used. I haven't found an article yet that really paints a clear picture.
I guess that in this instance it means that probably 80% of its vehicles are out of comission and that the cohesion is broken up and isolated into small pockets that are incapable of central communications or supply. Operational effectiveness is pretty much nil outside of mid sized pitched battles with small units. Its pretty much just a well armed geurilla force running low on food and water.
I give it 50/50 on that. When push comes to shove, the craven pricks at the top will start to stuff briefcases with yankee greenbacks and fake passports and shag ass outta town any way they can instead of fighting to the bitter end.
...hey, according to the Iraqi Information Minister..

"Thay hare lyeen...they Hamericauns are mostly thay hare lyeen to their public hopinion....thee Hamericaun claim that thay haf cross the reever ees an hillusiion..."

.....ahhh...."hinformation"...gotta love it...

Has there ever been an information minister in all of human history that has ever imparted information? All I ever hear is verbal smokescreen.
unclehobart said:
When push comes to shove, the craven pricks at the top will start to stuff briefcases with yankee greenbacks and fake passports and shag ass outta town any way they can

Story has it that many of the top have been in a rented floor of some Syrian hotel near the Syrian leaders place since lastTuesday. I'll look for more info.
I can almost see the cartoon puff of smoke that they left behind as they did their collective Roadrunner takeoff.
These guys have some outlandish stuff, much but nowhere near all, correct. Debka

Baghdad pre-paid and chartered entire Hotel Cote d’Azur De Cham Resort at Syrian Mediterranean port of Latakiya near Assad family villa. Group may include Saddam Hussein or his sons, but this is not confirmed.

Top Iraqi officials hiding there since March 23, four days after coalition invaded Iraq, guarded by Syrian commando unit armed with anti-air missiles and Syrian naval missile boats securing port.