BB Codes

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Staff member
HTML is disabled in all forums. As an alternative, you are provided with BB Codes. You use BB Codes in a similar way that you do HTML, except BB Codes are a bit easier to memorize and can be inserted into posts easily with the buttons just above the post box.

A simple BB Code tag is utilized by typing [tag]text[/tag], where [tag] opens the specified BB code, text is the text to be affected by the tag, and [/tag] closes the BB Code (this is required for ALL tags).

A BB Code with parameters allows you to specify in more detail what you want your text to look like or do. These are used by typing [tag=[color=red]"parameter"[/color]]text[/tag]. Note the parameter is only used in the opening tag. You only need to enter the name of the tag when closing a BB code that contains a parameter.

Complex nesting of tags is tricky but can be used to create really piffy effects. Just make sure you close tags in the reverse order of the way they were opened. Like so: [tag1][tag2="parameter"]text[/tag2][/tag1]. Note how tag1 was opened first, then tag2 was opened second, and after text, first tag2 was closed, and THEN tag1. Sounds simple enough, but the catch is that the board will not display your text correctly if you don't nest tags right. This is where the Enhanced mode on the BB Code buttons comes in handy - it keeps a memory of the tags you've started, and can automatically close them in the correct order. It gives you the option to close them one at a time in case you still want to enter some text after closing one of them, or you can just close them all at once. Tip: Mouse over the buttons to see their explanations in the tiny status box below them, or leave the mouse on the button to see its keyboard shortcut.

Click here for the list of tags, their descriptions and how to use them.
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