BBQ entrances and exits

I would have had a limo drivers uniform and carried a 3 by 5 sign that said:

Keith Rosone; CEO
Global Hyperdynamics Intercorp.
An OTC holding; LLP

Noone would give you a second take... until they saw a kid walk up and be stunned at how young he is.
So will there be continuous internet coverage
of this extravaganza event for the viewers at home?
This place might become a graveyard in about 24 hours considering that half the regulars will be doing shots of tequila at a titty bar or travelling to get here in one form or another.
*cries in the corner*

I'll think of y'all while I'm at work...*sobs*

*wants to be there*
HomeLAN said:
Not as funny as if my big sign had said "Stop laughing", like Tonks wanted.

AND ME! I wanted it too! I CAN want it from all the way up here you know!
Stop Laughing said:
Should I come up to your neck of the woods sometime so you can make that sign? I'll have the camera ready. :D

hahaha I prolly wouldn't do it, I would be to embarassed or something
You guys want to know something fun? I bought my tickets from Continental, but flew Delta. Apparently they're some sort of reseller or something. Poor Unc and Tonks were waiting by the Continental gates, then were scrambling trying to find me. Even more stressful was when the continental e-ticket computer couldn't find me and I onyl had like 75 minutes left to get on the plane in LA.
HL, I'll be heading out from here sometime between 9-11 am.
I'll give you a ring just before I head out to make sure y'all aren't out somewhere
at about the time I'll be coming in.
Of coarse traffic as you know could make from a 1 to 2 hour trip.
That works. I'm thinking we'll fire up over here between 11 and noon, but you're welcome to show a little early.
Have at it man. I'm bringin' more than I plan on consuming.
I'm afraid to drive tooo fast as I need to replace the Pittman arm on my
steering because it's got way too much play in it. :swing: