BBQ entrances and exits

...not to mention me fixing the wiring on unc's home theater system so the center channel is at the right volume. :D
I'm no geek. I have modest computer skills at best. I have to roll a saving throw every time I touch it.

*grabs old D&D box to find 20-sided die to make saving throw*
Your mouse is by far the more pressing issue.

BTW, your monitor is as good as it gets. It's a 15 YO beast. Is the flickering bothering you now that your eyes are corrected?
Apart from the pool battles, we did a lot of sitting around, stuffing our faces, drinking, and yakking. It was fun, but didn't really lend itself to funny stories.
Someday, when I buy a toilet, it's going to be exactly like the one in unc's downstairs hallway bathroom. That thing whooshes away the contents in about half a second.
Leslie said:
so are there no good stories from this BBQ or what?
I was in the kitchen for 14 hours on sunday. I have precious few stories to tell other than making 8 custom pizzas in under 2 hours.
HomeLAN said:
Your mouse is by far the more pressing issue.

BTW, your monitor is as good as it gets. It's a 15 YO beast. Is the flickering bothering you now that your eyes are corrected?
no...apparently the screen is bowed...i never really noticed until prof said something. before then i thought it was just me. i can easily revert to pretending that it is just me.
and i concur on the mouse.
unclehobart said:
I was in the kitchen for 14 hours on sunday. I have precious few stories to tell other than making 8 custom pizzas in under 2 hours.
once upon a time that would be story :p
Well this will just be a mix cake. (yellow w/choc icing) Next week for my nieces BD I going to
make a "butternut" cake from scratch, and it's hard to get that bastich to rise,
and stay up. :nerd:
I'll take a shot or 2 today for ya though.
Damn, I really should've stayed, didn't get to eat enough. Been extra busy here, cold run of my rallye the first night after I returned, then my mother's biopsy yesterday, and finally I can catch up now. Great pics there Inky (thanks for my new av), good thing you didn't get many shots of when HomeLAN was annihilating me in the pool. :D