Best albums of 2005


Well-Known Member
Online here:

They do an excellent job of packaging the record to avoid damage in shipment, too.

I bought The Fragile at Boo Boo Records and the other two at Cheap Thrills... both local record stores in San Luis Obispo, CA.

I drove down to Boo Boo the day With Teeth came out but they only got one copy on vinyl and it had been sold a while before. Cheap Thrills didn't even get shipped a copy.

I could have had it on CD or Dual Disc right then, but I wanted it on vinyl.

I was able to pick up Metallica's Master of Puppets on vinyl though, so the trip to San Luis Obispo wasn't wasted. :D


New Member
I am a bird now - Antony & The Johnsons
Late Registration - Kanye West (Bite me, I like it)
Seperation Sunday - The Hold Steady
Angel Tongue - Nianell
Love etc - Sugardrive
Media - Karen Zoid (20 Jaar & Devil doesn't dig it are possibly my favourite songs)
Ndawo Yami - Zamajobe
The Hello Goodbye Boys - Arno Carstens
Life in Slowmotion - David Gray (I love this man's music)
I'm wide awake it's morning - Bright Eyes