Best performance


New Member
Edward Norton-- Primal Fear
Billy Bob Thorton-- Sling Blade
Sir Anthony Hopkins-- Silence of the Lambs
Val Kilmer-- Tombstone
Al Pacino-- Scent of a Woman
Tom Cruise-- Jerry Maquire
Leonardo Dicaprio-- What's eating Gilbert Grape?
Robin Williams-- Good Will Hunting and One Hour Photo

Lots of others but can't recall their names.. be back later with more..


New Member
Dustin Hoffman - Rain Man
Bill Pullman - Independence Day, but only during his speech before the massive final assault.
Robert Deniro - Taxi Driver
Sylvester Stallone - Rocky
Jim Carrey - The Majestic
Jim Carrey - The Truman Show
Jim Carrey - Bruce Almighty

It's been so long since I've seen anything worth best performance. And I don't remember all the stuff I've seen long ago.
Here's a short list of fairly good performances.

Kevin Costner - Dances With Wolves
Michael Keaton - Batman and Batman Returns
IMO, Michael Keaton was the best Batman ever, when the series was dark and not so kid-centric.

Anyway, more when I feel like it. I mean when I come up with it. :p


New Member
pc_builder said:
Michael Keaton - Batman and Batman Returns
IMO, Michael Keaton was the best Batman ever, when the series was dark and not so kid-centric.

Batman went to shit when Joel Schumacher took over.. Michael Keaton left because Tim Burton was not doing the 3rd film.. I agree that Keaton was definitely the best Batman and I think that the best villians were in the first 2 films... Jack Nicholson was awesome as the Joker and Danny Devito and Michelle Pfeffeir (Spelling??) was great as the Penguin and Catwoman.. :D

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze???? WTF was Schumacher thinking??? :nerd:

Although I have to say I did enjoy Jim Carrey as the Riddler teamed with Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face.. :)


molṑn labé
Staff member
Crispin GLover as George McFly.

Not necessarily a great actor in a great role but it was the first time I didn't want to just kick Glovers ass all over tinseltown


Well-Known Member
AlladinSane said:
Sorry, Kevin Costner, Di Caprio and Liam Neesom are hard to swallow.

Have you seen Schindlers list? It was by far the best performance of his career.
Sylvester Stallone is another of the half ass actors whom i don't really like but look at his performance in copland. Absolutely beyond anything he's ever done. Neesoms performance is SL was simply a breakaway imo. I'm real sorry by the way that you had to use Di Caprio and Neesom in the same breath.


Well-Known Member
that was one of the most powerful movies ever. ill concer with Hex on this one.

also id like to add Brad Pitt from both Se7en and Fight Club


New Member
AlladinSane said:
Sorry, Kevin Costner, Di Caprio and Liam Neesom are hard to swallow.

Al Pacino in Godfather

I agree Costner is not all that good... most of Dicaprio's performances have'nt been that good but watch What's eating Gilbert Grape? and you'll see that he does have talent... Liam Neesom was awesome in Schindler's List, that movie makes it into my top 5 movies of all time..

Which Godfather are you referring to? I think he was best in Godfather III and pretty good in Godfather II but not his best performance.. watch Scent of a Woman or Scarface to see some of his best performances....

Just my opinion :D