Big tobacco


molṑn labé
Staff member
Talk about a cover-up. First Peter Jennings annouces he has lung cancer (after years of smoking) then he dies of it. Within hours, Chris Reeves widow announces she has lung cancer & never smoked a day in her life. Then, on one of the hotel tv/cable news channels, a story is run about some other woman who has lung cacer & boy is she pissed! She says that people, after hearing that she has lung cancer, tell her that she brought it on herself & don't feel sorry for her.

Of course, she never smoked either. She wants some of the breasteses cancer R&D money going to lung cancer R&D. She finds out that lung cancer kills more wimins than breasteses cancer and a surprisingly large number never smoked. So, from now on, you're to treat lung cancer victims with more compassion & care. After all, wimins die from it too.

The big tobacco PR guys are quick.

Uki Chick

New Member
Nowadays, you get cancer whether you smoke, don't smoke, eat healthy or not, etc. If you're destined to get it, you're going to get it.


Too cute for words
Uki Chick said:
Nowadays, you get cancer whether you smoke, don't smoke, eat healthy or not, etc. If you're destined to get it, you're going to get it.
OTOH, you can significantly improve your chances. Just because people who don't smoke, for instance, get lung cancer, in no way abrogates the evidence that smoking severely increases you're risk of lung cancer.