Birthday bash!!!


New Member
I would just like to extend some birthday wishes to the brilliant people who were born on this finest day in the year...


Myself!!!!:D:D:D... oh and samcurry:p:D

Happy Birthday Sam! - Only 39 years of age:D

And I, of course, am 18 today!:D

So all ye who can drink, raise a glass to us:drink:

a tad early to be raising drinking glasses for me, but i will keep it in mnd for sometime after lunch...

Happy Birthday Sam and Satan
So, are we all invited to the party????

And where shall we send the cake?

Cheers to you guys! I'll lift my glass high...over & over & over again :drink: :toast:
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear satan,
happy birthday to you....

always wanted to sing happy birthday to the devil...hope it's a good one!
Cheers everyone!:D

My birthday cake was great, and I am enjoying my refreshing alchohol as I type...

God bless alchohol!:D

Talk to you all later;)

Well, since the legal drinking age in the US is 21, that means Sam was probably out getting shitfaced on the day hellsatan was born. :D
hellsatan said:
Cheers everyone!:D

My birthday cake was great, and I am enjoying my refreshing alchohol as I type...

God bless alchohol!:D

Talk to you all later;)


I find the idea of Satan calling on God to bless something rather humorous :rolleyes:
hehe your right inky, i also got married the first time the same day. but thats a totally different thread.
and PC, BOP still likes the geriatric balls of swing, i dont think ill ever get mine back...:) but im getting used to the natural sway of things.