Birthday Ham!

unclehobart said:
becomes this.. a ham based pizza ... to roll back into the main topic at hand.

that's one of the coolest things i've seen all day! rock on!
Ham was mucho-yummy!!!

Pizza looks really good (I've made both pizza and calzone). Love Ham and Pineapple on pizza - Ards isn't crazy about it though.
Ooooh.. Went to Pizza Hut a couple weeks ago and they had Ham and Pineapple pizza on the buffet, it was great!
Bumping this so I can easily locate my pizza method. I haven't made one in months. Tonight I end the fast. I halfway forgot how to make it properly.
unclehobart said:
I guess I would really make someone a nice housewife. :D

So you'll be at my house by 7? I'll have the kitchen clean'd for you, and you can surprise me with what you make for dinner. :D
if you haven't eaten it in that long...maybe you should make a couple :D

I ate half+1slice of a large the other day because I'd deprived myself of pizza for so long, and because I'm a piggie.

*still wouldn't have thought I could do it though :alienhuh:
Rose said:
So you'll be at my house by 7? I'll have the kitchen clean'd for you, and you can surprise me with what you make for dinner. :D
I don't think I can get there in time... so sorry. :eyemouth: I'm oh so busy as it is within the 3 day mark before my jaunt to Hawaii. My dance card is full. Resend the invite mid january. Dinner arrangements should be easier to pull off by then.

Did none of the men in your life show any aptitude for cooking, dear Rose? I also do 3 hour massages. Any of them do that either? ;)
Sweeet! I can wait until January, but you best make it worth it. ;) The husband can cook when he gets an itch to it. But the mess he leaves frustrates me to the point that I'd almost rather cook for him. :rolleyes: The roommie can cook pretty well. I enjoy having him in the kitchen so we can make dinner together. He's easier to get along with in there. *lol*