Birthers Hail Judge’s Decision That Could “Depose” Obama


Well-Known Member

Bill Clinton would have loved to know these of all precedents you have.

Its going to be interesting as we wade though the NBC issue. I wonder if we can get him struck in the other 56 states too?


Well-Known Member
The order was real.

His lawyer made the best move by not showing up. I wouldn't show up if my client set me up to take a fall either.


The order was real.

His lawyer made the best move by not showing up. I wouldn't show up if my client set me up to take a fall either.

take a fall? please.

there's nothing here. there never has been. there never will be. it was an annoyance subpoena and nothing more. no president would show up for that.

he is a natural born citizen. sure, there's a few idiots out there that think the "dad" issue means something. it doesn't and it won't. he was born in the US. that's all he needs.


Well-Known Member
I guess your right, the Won is above such a petty court of law. Thats why his lawyer didn't bother to appear with those simple documents.

Oh well, the party delegates can do what they want anyway, right.


just because one thing is affirmed as obvious, does not disaffirm other commonly-observed practices and precedents. donofrio, you're a FUCKING MORON. where did he get his law degree from? the university of *giggle* phoenix?

gosh RM your confidence must be surging, with such an array of mental powerhouses on your side.

(also, you do realize that the massively prevailing interpretation (in other words, the interpretation of everyone but the irrational obama haters) is that one parent + born here = natural born and that you're just wasting everyone's time, kinda like donofrio? oh, right, it's all brilliant misdirection.)


Well-Known Member
I think my JailHouse law degree trumps your StarbucksU law degree.

Under the law at the time his mother could not impart citizenship on him, because she was a minor. Remember the age of majority in 1961 was 21 years of age (she had not lived the require number of years to impart citizenship).

That leaves the father, a British subject. British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.

You need to get past the whole 'living document' that follows my emotional state day-to-day. You can bet your shirt that they will not address the issue head-on and provide personal documentation, they will try to beat it on technicals.


Under the law at the time his mother could not impart citizenship on him, because she was a minor. Remember the age of majority in 1961 was 21 years of age (she had not lived the require number of years to impart citizenship).

um, the "lived number of years" is for people born OUTSIDE THE US.

if you think you have a point, prove it. provide a serious argument with backing references.

yes, the attempt will be on technicals. if past performance is indicative of anything, they will fail. in fact they already have. there is a reason only wingnuts take the legal arguments seriously. because it's a shitty argument without merit.


Well-Known Member
That's already covered in Minor v. Happersett:
At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.

I don't know where it will land in the end. I do know there is some reason they wont release any document about the resident. I do enjoy watching him squirm.


that does not say "must be 21" at all. you're depending on sketchy assumptions and logical fallacies across the board.

again, there is a reason why no one other than the most rabid obama haters are taking this seriously.

hey maybe if you blather about this long enough it will become real.

watching who squirm? obama? hardly. he most certainly dismisses this shit as exactly what it is. a fool's parade.


hah yeah i'll give you that one. then again, every population is at least half stupid. no, scratch that. at least 82.7% stupid. most of that by choice.


Well-Known Member
how stupid what would be?

getting rid of Obama
or Obamacare?

or the whole socialist agenda?


Well-Known Member
yes conservatives would outlaw abortion (as if)
prohibit fag marriage and not legalize drugs

dude you really have bought the leftie propaganda
hook line and sinker

not to worry though we are going to skip merrily
down the garden path to full on socialism without skipping a beat.

Your dystopian utopia awaits