Blair, and trageting pre-birth ASBOS


New Member
Blair, and targeting pre-birth ASBOS

with debate about racial profiling at airports already distracting us from the bigger questions like 'how come airport pizzas are so terrible' ...we have Blair aiming to roll out pre-birth targeting of ASBOS (anti social behaviour orders) to the next generation of scum, i mean potential asbo's.

so... is it
Profiling and pre-determined prejudice pre-natally ... or an effective use of prevention rather than cure?
Could be entertaining folly...provide a link to the whole story so we can all share in the joke.

do a search ye lazy git :D

maybe tommorow if i get a mo - i am on a very ropey dial up at the mo up north in the country (the dales)

... fellatio is certainly probably an undesirable word at the Clinton dinner table certainly ..:bgpimp:
ok ... various links in no particular order or meaning...,,1294580,00.html - august/BlairWantsToHaveYourBabies.htm,,17129-1821908,00.html

...btw ..these are just my slightly less lazy than Gonz search links ... not representative in anyway of me in terms of whatever the fuck these sites may say or mean... :bgpimp: