*bleep* Inconsiderate Drivers!


New Member
Woman causes 24-vehicle pileup so her couch won't get wet

She's hauling a sofa in the back of her Ford F150 and it starts to rain so she swerves over to get under an overpass cutting off two vehicles which just starts a chain of events. I'd like to see what her insurace premiums do ...

My biggest pet peeve about drivers is those who don't use turn signals. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DON'T MAKE PROPER USE OF TURN SIGNALS!!

Inconsiderate bastards.
"She never was struck," White said of the woman, "but she did stay at the scene and was charged with improper lane change."

He said the woman had planned to stop in the dry area under the overpass until the rain stopped.

So did she stay at the seen because she felt obligated after having caused the accidents or because it was still raining ? :cuss:
Rose said:
Woman causes 24-vehicle pileup so her couch won't get wet

She's hauling a sofa in the back of her Ford F150 and it starts to rain so she swerves over to get under an overpass cutting off two vehicles which just starts a chain of events. I'd like to see what her insurace premiums do ...

My biggest pet peeve about drivers is those who don't use turn signals. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DON'T MAKE PROPER USE OF TURN SIGNALS!!

Inconsiderate bastards.
Two words: saran wrap. :tardbang:
That woman needs a good bitchslap. I think I would have ripped the sofa off the back of her truck and threw it out in the middle of the road. Maybe use it for a bed for someone bleeding profusely.
The article leads us to believe she was only charged with 'improper lane change'. I think she should have been hit with reckless driving, improper lane change, and anything else that might even remotely apply. Not to mention if I were a cop I'd have given her a field sobriety test right there in front of all those people.... The whole test - abc's backwards, walking on a line, touching the nose, everything.
Rose said:
The article leads us to believe she was only charged with 'improper lane change'. I think she should have been hit with reckless driving, improper lane change, and anything else that might even remotely apply. Not to mention if I were a cop I'd have given her a field sobriety test right there in front of all those people.... The whole test - abc's backwards, walking on a line, touching the nose, everything.

Maybe a strip search too...or...better yet. when they suspect you of bringing drugs accross the border etc, they'll take your car apart....remove everything and NOT put it back together....it'd be nice to see her couch ripped to shreds on suspition that it was packed with drugs.


What a friggin idiot.

You know...I've heard of enough people causing accidents because they're too old to drive safely, or drive TOO cautiously...

She should've had her license stripped off of her.
DeKalb County! Haha. I used to live there. One of the reasons I moved away was because of the traffic and the stupid and aggressive drivers. :eek6:
I've come close to that...they started removing luggage from the back of the van, then spotted my sleeping munchkin and did it really quietly...put most of it back in when they didn't find a damn thing.

I swear that some of the stuff was packed in so tight that it made a queef noise when he yanked out the baby-yard :):evilcool: