bush in australian parliament


New Member
Thursday October 23, 11:51 AM
Brown kicked out of parliament
Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown was kicked out of the House of Representatives after interjecting during United States President George W Bush's speech.
Senator Brown interrupted Mr Bush's address to a joint sitting of parliament.
Speaker of the House Neil Andrew asked Senator Brown to leave the chamber and then ordered him to be removed by the sergeant at arms.
Mr Bush paused during the interruption, and smiled at Prime Minister John Howard before resuming his speech.
Later Greens Senator Kerry Nettle was also ejected from the chamber.
Interrupted a second time, Mr Bush responded by telling the chamber:"I love free speech."
Senator Brown earlier addressed protesters outside parliament, telling them it was appalling the Australian people were locked out of the parliament building during Mr Bush's visit.
"This is a parliament disconnected from the people in service to a visiting head of state who does not respect people of this country," Senator Brown told protesters.
more info : http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s973387.htm
says Bush : "Since the liberation of Iraq, we have discovered Saddam's clandestine network of biological laboratories, his design work on prohibited long-range missiles, his elaborate campaign to hide illegal weapons programs.
Saddam Hussein spent years frustrating UN inspections, for a simple reason - because he was violating UN demands. And in the end, rather than surrender his programs and abandon his lies, he chose defiance and his own undoing."
now i thought the never found anything of the like at all!!!
entire speech can be found here : http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s973378.htm