

New Member
ok...I got a question. Sometimes my computer will make a little buzzing noise, like something's spinning. Does it randomly and stops by itself. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks :)
Could be a bearing, could be the cd spinning up. Do you keep a cd in the drive most of the time? Could be your hard drive too, is there any correlation as to when it does it, or does it just seem random?
My DSL modem--with no moving parts--has been hissing since July or so. It's been working fine all that time.
Best guess is a cooling fan of some sort. Are you using an Asus motherboard? Those things are notorious for buzzing fans on Northbridge heatsinks.
From my experience the most commen buzzing comes from a loose fan on the cpu. Next time you hear it buzzing push against the fan on the edges(without touching the fan if you want to keep your fingers) and see if that quiets it.
Well, time to pull the cover off, and run it like that for a while. When it starts buzzing, do what Hex said, start putting pressure on the fans, see if it stops, or see if you can make the sound happen by playing with the fans a bit. Be careful though, like he said, those suckers can take the tip of your finger off pretty quick, and human blood will conduct electricity, (on a side note). When you've isolated which fan it is, it may be a simple matter of tightening a couple screws, if it's a case fan or chipset fan, or remounting your heatsink and fan, if it's the cpu fan. Let us know.
Does it happen whilst under heavy load? could be the psu caps singing disapproval.. but if it sounds more like a mechanical buzz than a high pitched whine its prolly the fans.