Cable TV...

When WiMAX is deployed in my area I'm going to drop cable like a bad habit (always supposing WiMAX supports my VOIP phone system).
Dish providers are little if any better. We went dish on my wife's insistance, despite my previous bad experiences with a different provider. If we're saving any money I can't find it. Given the choice at exactly the same rate I'd do dish over cable simply on principle. But neither of them are worth what you pay for them.

In a typical month I probably watch less than five different channels. My wife might watch 10-12, with two of them being something we both watch. The kidlet...maybe 6-10, with nothing in common with mine and maybe 2 with my wife. So a total of maybe 20 different channels being viewed in the household, out of God knows how many available. We do have high speed internet service with our package, so that skews the financial analysis somewhat, but you figure 20 channels watched and a bill of say $ out to $6 per channel. With all the free TeleMundo and C-Span we can tolerate thrown in. Woohoo.
My DirecTV bill is $67 or so lately... one thing that DID make me VERY happy with them was that whem my free HBO, Cinemax and Showtime ran out, instead of them continuing the channels and jacking up my bill, they shut off those channels and kept my bill the same.

My internet is DSL though, so it's through AT&T instead of via satellite, meaning it gets tacked onto my phone bill, which is $78 for local, long-distance, private number blocking and 6-meg DSL.
Cable TV...

No, thanks.

Dish is cheaper than comcast, on a equal playing field. I assume DirecTV is too. However, the fee's are horsehit. $5.00 a month for DVR? Ugh, it's my box, my electricity & my HDD. $60./yr to flip a switch?