Can't get my Hackintosh workin'!

I been doing projects for a few folks lately so I figured I'd make myself a cheap Hackintosh. I ordered a 2.8GHz Pentium D and an intel D915G motherboard, which should be about as perfect for a simple system as I could get. Unfortunately the motherboard will not arrive until Monday. So I tried to do it, just for fun on this MSI 975x Platinum SLI motherboard that I have. It is also an intel chipset and all the drivers are contained on the iDeneb 1.4 DVD. The thing is I get all of the install set up, then it goes fine till right about 35% but then on the screen it still looks normal, but the DVD-R/RW and the hard drive both stop all activity and it just hangs endlessly!

I should be fine when the other board arrives, but I am a sucker for this kind of shit and will be obsessed with making it work until then. I know this isn't really a tech board, but I thought, with all the brilliant minds here, someone might have some ideas?!?
Well I have AHCI which I know I'm supposed to have. It is not defaults, but there has to be something. The HDD is a SATA one and the DVD-R/RW is IDE. I will probably go try and tweak it yet again and see what happens.
Well today I get an intel D915G motherboard to go with the Pentim D chip. Waiting for UPS now. The only thing is I don't know if it will take DDR or DDR2, different variations of this board took either. I have both kinds but my DDR is all mix and match sticks where my DDR2 is all crucial. It does take 4 sticks though which is freakin' awesome. I know this board has been popular for Hackintoshs in the past, so it ought to work nicely.
Oh now I am really pissed! The board arrived DOA and the guy I bought it off on ebay has not responded yet! I am sure he will but then I have to ship this back and God only knows when I will have a working board!
So I still have not received a refund from the bad motherboard people. I had to actually use the PayPal resolution center, so we'll see what happens. I got a better board coming in the morning from 3BTech anyway.

The bad guys are called Ascentech. They have an ebay store as well. I have read through all the negative feedbacks and bad reviews on and it seems they are all very like my story. If you get something and it is good, no problems, but if you get something that is DOA, getting an RMA is like pulling teeth. I would advise against doing business with them!
OMG!!!! Another DOA board!!! It is like I have been cursed!

3BTech is good, not near the selection of Newegg, but when you need basic "on the cheap" they are the answer. Good about RMA too, but that doesn't help me much now, as I am so tired of waiting for this board, plus I have to pay the shipping back!