Categorical trivia


New Member
1. What is a 'blue' moon? (not the drink ;) ) *answered*

2. What is a bibliophile? a bibliopole? *half answered*

3. A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called an ...?

4. What is anthropophagy? *answered*

5. "Kemo Sabe" means "...?..." in Navajo.*answered*


New Member
2) A bibliophile is a book lover. No idea about bibliopole.

5) The north end of a south bound horse. :D


New Member
Camelyn said:
A blue moon is a second full moon that occurs within the same month

Soylent Green is people!!! And anthropophagy is the eating of them.
yes and yes ... good 'ol cannibalism.


New Member
kuulani said:
crap, i know i know this.

I dunno why, but I seem to remember it meaning "soggy bush" or summit....either that or I had a rather strange trip one night :alienhuh: