Cereal is GOD


I don't know about you but I think cereal is god. Just finished a bowl of good ole frosted mini wheats and yum yum yum.

What other cereals ya'll like?

Some of my Favs are

Cinamon toast crunch
Coco Pebbles
Hmmm....... :smoke4: perhaps? *hehe*

I like Raisin Bran! Has to have LOTS of raisins.

Sometimes Apple Jacks, but they hurt my tongue.
Good ol' Frosted Flakes.

Of course, I eat Frosted Mini-wheats and Special K (don't tell anyone) fairly often instead because it's better for me. :D
If i ever get to eat cereal......i just pick the first one i see....
Ahhhh i forgot frosted flakes as well, yum yum

I also like toast but has to ahve peanut butter and jelly (apple or red plum, apple is great)
Originally posted by tarez
Some of my Favs are

Cinamon toast crunch

YES! Delicious! :)

I also like Coco Pops and Corn Flakes (traditionalist), although I am pretty eager to try Kellogg's® Marshmallow Blasted Froot Loops™ or Kellogg's® Bart Simpson's No ProblemOs™. :D



P.S. Marmite on toast rules, though. :p
I used to eat Cap'n Crunch alot. Crunch Berries were good and Lucky Charms and Honeycomb and Coco Puffs and Fruity Pebbles and Fruit Loops and Sugar Smacks and Sugar Pops and Apple Jacks.

I mostly eat bran flake stuff these days or oatmeal with raisans.

i love cinnamon toast crunch, coco pops rule but i'm currently doing the fruitibix thing :)
Quaker Harvest Crunch, Special K or Grape Nuts for me, also Frosted Rice brings back happy childhood memories :D
One of my favorites was Frosted Rice Krispies. I haven't seen it in ages though... just plain Rice Krispies and Rice Krispies Treats. :(
I love cereal .... Honeycomb is one of my favorites ... but I have to be careful with cereal in my house cause I have one of the cereal police living there.

My son goes apeshit if someone opens a box of cereal when there's already an open box. I'm serious. Apeshit. It's even worse if there's a gallon of milk in the fridge and it's close to the expiration date and no one's drinking it. Then there's the empty water container syndrome. If you dare leave the container of water in the fridge with just a cup of water in it, he'll be all over your ass .... if you think that's bad, try being the person who does a combination of or all of those things .... dang!

Think I'm kidding? Ask ku'u ... she'll tell you the hell that is my 15 year old son :D