Checking in...


New Member
It's been a while... thought I'd check in and say HOWDY Y'ALL.


Can't stay too long, unfortunately. I'm working to a project deadline. The project is not unfun, but I do miss goofing off every now and again :sigh:

Hope all is well with you all in OTC land.
Heh heh NEVAHHH!!!

Actually, right at the moment, he's trying to beat some kingdom or another in Age of Empires. Which he didn't start out with. He actually started out with Warcraft III, which he got for Christmas. Then we decided to clean the hard drive up a bit and he found some older games still on there. There was this one scenario from Age of Empires that he never beat - now he's trying to again.

All of which is to say, he probably won't come up for air again for another few weeks at least.

He says "Hi all" and waves :wave: and goes right back to building castles and sinking ships. Or getting his proverbial hinney kicked, whichever comes first ;)
Will try. The project I've been working on has been kicking my hinny. The end of March and it will all be over - until the next time that is.
hey jan hey ards been a while. well keep the fires warm for you. take care guys. good luck with the project jan. come back soon.