chug it, barak

I'm actually looking forward to next Thursday's VP debate
epistemology is not dependent on action, chimptrain. and we really don't want to see selfish naive pragmatism bloom any more than it already has. you know for someone who declared herself an atheist, ayn really absorbed the worst of christian naivete. it's like, hey, let's pump up a so-called "realist" episteme that makes continental rationalists and idealists seem like the connected realists. it's like she never fucking left home or experienced life, spending her whole life in some sort of uber-introverted fantasy world.

yoda says

"profoundly unhappy, she was."

ryan is just a fag masquerading as a bland achiever in khakis. he's just as much a ballmunch as biden, just in a different mode.
well, try now to let it depress ya too much Minx.
None of us have a great choice this round.
I've actually been cutting waaaaaaay back on anything political. (speak, tv shows, emails inet...)
It's just not work the friggin' stress atm to me.
Mt suggestion....take a little break from the sons a bitches. You'll feel better.
I got some xanax and loritab. They help too. :D.
It looked like two dweebs dancing in circles, kicking one anothers shins. Romney
had the foresight to ocassionally reach across the circle & bitchslap the boy-child.

In the end, we got:

I'm going to grow government.
Yea? Well, I'll grow it slower.
It looked like two dweebs dancing in circles, kicking one anothers shins. Romney
had the foresight to ocassionally reach across the circle & bitchslap the boy-child.

In the end, we got:

I'm going to grow government.
Yea? Well, I'll grow it slower.

you gotta give romney a little more credit than that. we're accustomed to R dipshits like palin bachmann cain perry who can't articulate shit. mitt at least had some debate points that he could wade in to and sound coherent and rational.
there may be a role in the film for you. the protagonist needs to be way bigger and fatter than you, and be able to wear a john deere cap with authority. but you'd make an excellent toady-minion i think. can you fake up a good southern drawl?
100 days until we are rid of this mulatto muslim marxist idiot

Columbus Day 2012: Obama recalls tribes' 'tragic burdens'
“When the explorers laid anchor in the Bahamas, they met indigenous peoples who had inhabited the Western hemisphere
for millennia,” Obama wrote. “As we reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore in the years that followed,
let us commemorate the many contributions they have made to the American experience,
and let us continue to strengthen the ties that bind us today".
hah the Winky plan:
tax revenues are currently running around ~ 1.4 trillion
stop QE3 dead in its tracks
Slash spending to .9 trillion dump anything left over in the 1st year into debt service
yeah sure the defence budget is destroyed overnight and the entitlements are all but ended but wth who cares about that shit
Starting in year two level the playing field by moving the tax code to a flat rate then converting to a 'fee for use' model
as outlined by that krazy Russian chick that minx hates so much.
Make the 47% either get off the 53%'s backs or they can just go die.
And while we are no longer the world's policeman we do reserve the right to drop thermonuclear weapons on you if you piss U.S. off

the end
Romney is ruining the One in the debate!
It's almost not fair to the disadvantaged minority President!
hah if obamney does HALF of what he's blow harding about
our nation will come roaring back bigger than the Reagan era.