
Circumsized does look better IMO, but I won't hold it against a guy if he's not been chopped.

As far as having sex is concerned - I have never seen it be a problem for any man to have a foreskin when he's doing the deed.
All I can say is its not much fun when your 8 years old.
Bit scab on the end of your cock, and it being tender as hell is about as much fun as defusing bombs with a fire axe while blindfolded....

I had to get a wheelchair out of the hospital and stairs were an absolute nightmare! :crying4:
Aunty Em said:
All the more reason to circumcise babies... if you must...

Well many forms of unnatural practices has become the standard. In some (rather cruel) cultures female circumcision is practiced.

And think about it...what is "natural" about shaving your face and having your hair cut?

And women shaving their legs and under arms?

All are cultural creations....

Dont even mention piercings and tatoos....
Shaving under my arms has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with personal hygeine, my dear.

And as usual religion rears it's ugly head in certain other practices... my point is that it's better to get it over an done with in that case as soon as possible... it's less painfull, or have you never seen a grown man who's just been circumcised? He'd do John wayne proud! :lol:
There is a medical reason, though hopefully it is not relevant to many people.

Circumcised men are more likely to catch HIV. It was commonly thought to be the opposite but research has proven that there are cells within the foreskin whose only function is to take pathogens and deliver them directly to the T-cells which normally destroy them. Unfortunately it is these T-cells that are targetted by HIV. Thus providing a direct route of infection.
AnomalousEntity said:
Well many forms of unnatural practices has become the standard. In some (rather cruel) cultures female circumcision is practiced.

And think about it...what is "natural" about shaving your face and having your hair cut?

And women shaving their legs and under arms?

All are cultural creations....

Dont even mention piercings and tatoos....

Some women even go to the great lengths of suffering minor discomfort and wax...very pleasant. i'd rather wax than use a razor. don't fancy slicing a bit off me flaps
MizzFizzTheBizz said:
Some women even go to the great lengths of suffering minor discomfort and wax...very pleasant. i'd rather wax than use a razor. don't fancy slicing a bit off me flaps

Yeah - nothing beats having your arse & everythin between it & the navel waxed eh? 'cos it's fun walking around like you've been riding yer bicycle without a saddle :eh:
AlphaTroll said:
Yeah - nothing beats having your arse & everythin between it & the navel waxed eh? 'cos it's fun walking around like you've been riding yer bicycle without a saddle :eh:

well it ain't that bad..DIY i say then you haven't got to go thru the embarassment of you local beautician advising how to prune your perenials!
MizzFizzTheBizz said:
well it ain't that bad..DIY i say then you haven't got to go thru the embarassment of you local beautician advising how to prune your perenials!

Nah - DYI isn't for me, I hate struggling with all the nooks & crannies....I go to the beautician, she knows what she's doing after all. Just like going to the gynie, but more fun :D
Wax?? I think the nadgers will stay hairy thanks :eh:

Although I do occasionally trim the privet .....
I'm growing mine as long as possible so I can comb them over when I start going bald... I'm sure no-one will notice
Bleach - if it's got a hood to protect it from the cold, why would you need a fur coat too? Even if you do live in the North, it doesn't stay there - it does go South for vacation doesn't it?

Legless one: if it's long enough you can colour it & make funky braids of it - remember to take pics & show us :D
AlphaTroll said:
Bleach - if it's got a hood to protect it from the cold, why would you need a fur coat too? Even if you do live in the North, it doesn't stay there - it does go South for vacation doesn't it?

A lil' bit of fur still comes in handy........stops the crabs gettin' bored (also can't be bothered with the stubble ......... gets bloody itchy when the fur grows back).

Besides.........can't figure out how to wax nadgers. By the time yer've pulled the waxed paper off the things would be dangling around me knees :eek13:
you know there is a beauty palce in NYC that specializes in dying trimming, even excentions down there

Now I am a DIYer (cause I'm a guy)

They sell this nair like product formulated for the nethers

and it works like a charm.

it looks nicer and if you want a BJ, she better not be flossing her teeth after, or it ain't gonna happen again.

crewcut on top, smooth on bill and ted
AlphaTroll said:
Legless one: if it's long enough you can colour it & make funky braids of it - remember to take pics & show us :D

I did try to get it highlighted recenty but was removed from the salon :(
bleach said:
A lil' bit of fur still comes in handy........stops the crabs gettin' bored (also can't be bothered with the stubble ......... gets bloody itchy when the fur grows back).

Besides.........can't figure out how to wax nadgers. By the time yer've pulled the waxed paper off the things would be dangling around me knees :eek13:

i think it is more difficult for a bloke to DIY and wax the nadgers coz you need to pull yer scrotum taut. i would love to inflict that on a bloke...