Coffee and toast


Kissy Goddess
Coffee always makes my tummy hurt - but I still drink it. The toast - all warm with butter melted on it and maybe some really good cheese... like... goats cheese.

Unfortunately, I only had cheez whiz today...


New Member
Spirit said:
Unfortunately, I only had cheez whiz today...

Quick, give this woman 500cc's of real food, stat! Prep Ops for a stomach pump, just in case. Call the hazmat team in, this might get ugly.


- DFisherman


New Member
How about some coffee ground butter on that toast for some top notch caffeine injection! ...and coffee too, please.


New Member
unclehobart said:
How about some coffee ground butter on that toast for some top notch caffeine injection! ...and coffee too, please.

Even better:


Web site page: Caffeinated Soap

I have never bought or used it myself, though.


- DFisherman

Luis G

Staff member
abooja said:
Maybe this will be more to your liking.

Yeah probably, as long as it doesn't have the caffeine boost.

I started drinking my "childhood beverage", it is basically warm milk with chocolate and honey bee :D :D


molṑn labé
Staff member
You folks are odd. I'll stick with my Pepsi & eggplant parmesan.

*Jeez, weirdos*


New Member
I can't swallow toast today. My throat is too sore. But I love me some toast with honey and a rasberry mocha or eggnog latte from Starbucks.


New Member
i lurv coffee....but i've turned in to coffee snob. we order ours from a key west company :rolleyes:....come to think of it i am pretty much a beverage snob. i'm particlular about everything i drink...and pepsi is grody.


Well-Known Member
Diced potatoes fried in olive oil
Bacon and eggs over easy
Belgian waffles
orange juice
(de-caf) coffee for the wifey-poo.
She and the Kid left to play tennis
and hopefully burn off that breakfast. :winkkiss:

Lunch (so far)
Tuna: Albacore with Mayo, celery salt and diced onions
on toasted Rye. There is enough left over to make you a
sammich, Spirit want one?

Now what's for dinner?