concerned about voltages



I just put this system together. I put my new xp processor on my old Gigabyte board that is only 2 months old. Everything is smooth except that I am concerned about the +12V rail. Is this high enough to be concerned? I have my new 120 gb drive in this system.
That is a little high, have you had any problems at all? A little high is alot better than a little low though.
My cpu is at 46 C under load which is pretty good considering that I haven't installed any fans yet.
I saw that too, not bad at all. Not a bad fan speed either, shouldn't be too loud. Looks like you got a pretty good system there. :headbang:
That system temp is a little high though, do you have a fan on your chipset? If not, I'd get one on it. Mine usually stays around 32.
I'm surprised it doesn't have a fan on the chipset already, most newer boards do. Of course if the only case fan you've got is the Power Supply, you need to get at least one more of those too, that will help with the system temp too.
I am going to install another one today and that should help the chipset. I'm thinking of putting a 60 to 80 mm adapter on the back of the case. I saw one on a website for 3 bucks. The rear only accommodates a 60 mm as it is.