Congratulations on 1000 posts Arris!

Arris said:
Oh I'm sure you'll manage to spam 3 posts somewhere Arris... :D

Wow... your right Arris...
I did manage to spam those last three posts somewhere :eyemouth:

So I'm a veteran at last

Leslie said:

he's a veteran now, watch out! :circle:

Ooo do I get a big stick to poke people with or something?
I'm not sure why I have to be watched out for more now?
Do I progress to a higher risk level??? :confbang:

Thanks :hairbang:
its built into the board now that the more post you have the more evil you become.
Congrats! Just wait till you get to be an OT Master... That's just two steps down from evil incarnate... aka the mods and admins.... and I'm just 400 away from the Elite... it'll soon be time for a little spam on my part... :D