Conservative Surge


Well-Known Member
Obama 'not watching returns'
The White House press secretary brushes off Tuesday night's elections.
It's coming --


Change that you can recognize



New Member
Hoffman is the one person in your results that actually affects anyone but locals. If the Dem wins in that highly Republican district that sends a clear message.

You also seems to be ignoring CA-10 even though that's much closer to home. Why is that?


New Member
That's why I said "I will find it extremely funny if the Dem wins in that district too. What an upset."


Well-Known Member
Hoffman has already gracefully accepted it as a loss.

There is still some questions about early ballots that had some problem and the final tally is expected tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Spike maintained a leftist seat in a northern california cong dist with another career politician.

colored me impressed.