*Crosses fingers


New Member
The power supply blew on the girls computer and Rob is in the kitchen attemping repair. I am soo staying out of it.
I did just hear a sweet little girl voice saying "Oh shit" and Rob sending it's issuer to her timeout spot. I have no idea if the vulgarity was warranted or not.....
ACK Rob went near the guts of a computer?! May aswell toss the whole thing now I guess...:blank:

Tell him to avoid the capacitors. If he doesn't knowe which ones they are, throw it away immediately.
It only fires up for 1/3 of a second before it shuts down again. Seems to be an unspecified mobo short to me. Goody gumdrops... always the most expensive thing there is on the darn thing.
Time for the old...

Remove all the components and power up a piece
at a time trick.

You should call me and I'd walk ya through it.

The fact that it does the 'runs for a second trick'
bodes well for success!
nah. I Have a black thumb for computers. If I actually try to diagnose it by exclusion, god will punish me by derezzing the server station controlling all of the routing in the northern half of the state.
Do you live in the southern half of the state?

- that sounds like the clincher decision to me!

(oh shit!)

Act like the Fonz - that's my tech advice.

(could be the fan???)