death clock

Personal day of death....
Sunday, February 27, 2033

940,000,000+ seconds remaining....damn. time flies when you're having fun...
Normal: Wednesday, May 30, 2035

Ooh, still got 30 odd years.... :D

Optimistic: Monday, July 6, 2054

I'll be 98... damn, that's optimistic? I want my telegram from the Queen/King for my hundreth!... :crap:

Pessimistic: Friday, March 22, 2019

That may be the most accurate yet... :(

Sadistic: Tuesday, May 30, 1995

I knew I called myself "GhostInTheMachine" for a reason... :D
it bombed out o_O (something that happens from time to time on some pages, a simple refresh will sort it out, but still)
I'm gonna live forever??
Your Personal Day of Death is... 
Friday, June 27, 2025

WooHoo....There is an end to this shit! :clap:

Your Personal Day of Death is...
Tuesday, January 13, 2043

1,249,529, 191....






185...and counting:cool:
PuterTutor said:
Your Personal Day of Death is...
Saturday, March 28, 2054

You have kids and i die faster than you WTF!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad:

*goes to procreate*

*sigh*..i'll be only 59 sister will be let's see.....WTF!!!!:eek: ..96
Normal: December 11, 2067 (I don't want to die in the winter)
Pessimistic: October 16, 2052
Sadistic: December 11, 2027 (NOOOOOOO)
Optimistic: February 15, 2083 (now that's more like it) :D
Your Personal Day of Death is...
Thursday, December 24, 2054

A merry Christmas for my family, I guess...