Desktop Background

hmm, i wonder who you got those from ;)

i'd post my background right now but my script doesn't tell me what image it's got loaded, once i get a chance to a hack away at the code a bit i'll let you know. :)
Here's mine. It's tiled it because I lost the high-res version I made. :(

umm, it was bettie page, but now it's my duckee!

his name is Mister Quackers :) jawschy named him that, looooong before we were even going out!

i have the image stretched to fit the whole desktop. so just imagine this picture really zarking big!!

This one isn't it currently, but I might change it back soon. :D

it'd be interesting to see what's available to members, i used to love the free images but it seems like over the last two years or so they've been getting kind of generic and unimaginative.