Dixie Test

36% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee.

more than a few questions, didn't have a valid answer for me.

18 is called Mad night.
20, never heard of any such thing
11 I grew up calling them Tennies.
7, I've never called a group any of the above.
20% Dixie. Wow! You are a Duke of Yankeedom!

I too had questions with no valid answer(#7,Sloth's "HEY YOU GUYS!" is most common), or more than one answer worked (icing/frosting, water/drinking fountain, crawdad/crawfish )
42% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom.

It's because i live in the midwest. 90% of my answers had little or no regional preference...
ekahs retsam said:
42% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom.

It's because i live in the midwest. 90% of my answers had little or no regional preference...

You would make a good journalism major. When I was in college I praticed and praticed for the "midwestern NON" accent.