do you feel that online is another part of your own pesonality?


Well-Known Member
i was reading Bishops thread on the internet and i wondered how many of you feel that online your personality changes or that its a different person? for me its kind of yes but not really. jsut that the freako side of me that i post under and go online under is much less shy and more likely to talk to someone i dont know but i still get nervous if talking to a girl online that I like or if something happens to a friend. what about you guys?
Im totally different online. Here Im a lot more open and up front than I could ever be IRL
I"m pretty well the same, though like most of you I tend to open up and be freeer with my actions/words online.
I can't really be said to be a quiet/shy/reserved person IRL...A freind once called me a social butterfly and told me that I talk too much. :)


Online...I tend to be more dramatic perhaps...more sharp in my comments, and more direct in my innuendos. Beyond all that...I don't pretend to be anything more than what I am. A Social-Stud with a hot-bod and an almost magical skill at seduction. :) :elaugh2:
I'm pretty much as I am in IRL, though probably more open about my personal thoughts and feelngs. I tend to be quite reserved with strangers in IRL.
I think I'm pretty much the same....kinda hard to know unless someone who has seen both sides could tell you...(Hint: Chime in anytime Les ;) )
I think I'm about the same. Maybe just a little more open on here than in RL.
I'm pretty much the same. But I told some thing of my private life to some of you I wouldn't to RL people.
MrBishop said:
I can't really be said to be a quiet/shy/reserved person IRL...A freind once called me a social butterfly and told me that I talk too much. :)


OMG, That was like, 7 YEARS ago!! I said I'm sorry already. Apparently though, you just can't seem to stop talking about it... :bolt:

Me, I'm apparently different...though I honestly don't see it. I perceive myself online to be pretty much me IRL. Right down to the sexual innuendo and sarcastic (yet charming, of course) attitude. I could be delusional though, it's been known to happen.
Here I am how I used to be IRL about 5 years ago. I have more tact than I usually do here, and know when to shut up. Otherwise, I'm pretty much the same.
My on-line personailty and my real personailty are pretty much the same. I'm shy in person, but on-line I'm a chatterbox is the only difference
I would have to say that I'm pretty different. Granted the "sense of humour" (if any) and the things I say are EXACTLY the same, but I guess in a sense, I'm more touchy feely online :brow: ... no seriously.

Like here I'd freely give out a :hug: while in real life, I don't like being touched all too much by people all in all o_O (like friends or family, it bugsme if they randomly give me a hug... unless if it's my BF, then it's okay :D )
Around here, I'm about the same as offline. There are other parts of the internet, though, where I'm completely different... such as in Yahoo chat rooms. :D