
Well-Known Member
That's next on the Supreme Court's list. This is another unconstitutional piece of legislation. The Federal government doesn't have the authority to define marriage.

What are your thoughts on DOMA?


it's an effort led by mentally frozen assholes who only embrace the constitution when it is convenient.


molṑn labé
Staff member
That's next on the Supreme Court's list. This is another unconstitutional piece of legislation. The Federal government doesn't have the authority to define marriage.

Since the government gives tax incentives regarding marriage, it does have the authority to define it.

If it doesn't, then all these federal court rulings are usurping the will of the people (the people have defined marriage as between a man &woman every time it's been voted on)
so, there's an impasse. The people defined marriage, the federal gov't defined marriage, the courts won't allow those rulkings to stand.


Well-Known Member
Since the government gives tax incentives regarding marriage, it does have the authority to define it.

If it doesn't, then all these federal court rulings are usurping the will of the people (the people have defined marriage as between a man &woman every time it's been voted on)
so, there's an impasse. The people defined marriage, the federal gov't defined marriage, the courts won't allow those rulkings to stand.

I fail to see how giving tax incentives gives the Federal government the authority to define it. The states can define marriage all they want, not the Federal government. You can marry your 1st cousin depending on what state you live in without the Federal government interfering so I don't see why the Federal govern needs to/can define marriage.

By your logic, with as much tax incentives the Federal government gives, it has TONS of power. Hence, if the Federal government wants to take away the states power, all they have to do is concoct same kind of tax incentive to take control. I don't think so.


the people have defined marriage as between a man &woman every time it's been voted on.

wow. good thing we at least sometimes protect the rights of individuals to be free from the tyranny of the swirling mass of retrograde finger-pointers and book burners, who know nothing other than shitcan scripture and superstition.

it still amazes the that y'all lack of recognition of yer kinship with the taliban. here's some pics to help.






Well-Known Member
It is clearly a hoot
to see the courts over turn the will of the people
regarding fag marriage
how much more in your face can it get?


molṑn labé
Staff member
So, he thinks the federal government ought to control what the state allows. So, the 10th Amendment is null & void?


Well-Known Member
Obama's going to be joining tens of millions
of other Americans on the unemployment line in January


So, he thinks the federal government ought to control what the state allows. So, the 10th Amendment is null & void?

the 10th amendment is redundant anyway.

is it the federal government's role to turn a blind eye to states violating individual rights?

what if a state decided to make miscegenation punishable by prison time?

shit, see, now i sound as chicken little as you guys do... nobody's that stupid... okay maybe winky would advocate for that, but he's been institutionalized and doesn't really count.


molṑn labé
Staff member
is it the federal government's role to turn a blind eye to states violating individual rights?

As designed, yes. The Constitution, and the amendments are designed to limit FEDERAL power to that which is specifically enumerated, and
the amendments control what the FEDERAL government may not control. That is why the 9th & 10th were added. To make sure this was understood.

Go check out the Massachusetts Constitution. They are a religious commune.


yes, good points.

and exactly why the constitution must be a living document, not a snapshot of great ideas - turned into scripture - from a time when no one really understood the nature of extensive capitalism. while i agree that original intent should be a serious consideration, if it is the only thing, it leads to tribalist populism. which is fine, unless your urge to do something profitable outweighs your urge to be a grumpy old cock. in other words, i find "union mentality" to be icky. broadly speaking however i would agree that the federal government's powers have gotten too wide.


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Constitution is designed to limit federal power to a very limited set. Period. If it's a living document. it means nothing & is not worth the
paper its printed on. It is expandable, with directions on how to do this, written within it. Allowing the federal authority to expand a little, without
due course of amendments, gives them unlimited power. As we're seeing now. One small step for Uncle Sam, one giant leap for tyranny.

As for tribalist populism, that was a far greater possibility back when there were miles & miles between even small population centers, and a slow method of transportation. It could be argued we already have that. The two coasts, especially large urban areas, vote blue. The less populated areas, and the center, vote red. Populism at its finest.

That, though, is what makes the (currently) 50 sovereign nation-states a wonderful thing. If you dislike tough liquor laws, leave Utah. If you find southern drawls horrid, leave Alabama. What, crab-cakes aren't your thing, Maryland may not hold you against your will.


The Constitution is designed to limit federal power to a very limited set. Period. If it's a living document. it means nothing & is not worth the
paper its printed on. It is expandable, with directions on how to do this, written within it. Allowing the federal authority to expand a little, without
due course of amendments, gives them unlimited power. As we're seeing now. One small step for Uncle Sam, one giant leap for tyranny.

i do think amendments are the way to go rather than willy-nilly expansion. i did not mean "living document" as a free-for-all bonanza. just that we do need to face the reality of the day. we are no longer a relatively isolated agrarian society.

As for tribalist populism, that was a far greater possibility back when there were miles & miles between even small population centers, and a slow method of transportation. It could be argued we already have that. The two coasts, especially large urban areas, vote blue. The less populated areas, and the center, vote red. Populism at its finest.

it could just as easily be suggested that small/slow inhibited social conformity, and that today, being surrounded by swirling cesspools of soundbytes and with literacy waning, we're on the way to a new level of stupidity that knows nothing other than instant, irrational, and highly superficial classification of humans by what are essentially brand labels. george zimmerman is not a wannabe cop dumbass, he's a raving racist that hunts pickaninnies for sport, right? or, alternatively, he's not a marginally employed loser who ended up in a shitty situation and had to shoot someone, he's a hero for our time fighting the incursion of savages into fair suburbia! pick your tribe. pick your story. get some kleenex.

That, though, is what makes the (currently) 50 sovereign nation-states a wonderful thing. If you dislike tough liquor laws, leave Utah. If you find southern drawls horrid, leave Alabama. What, crab-cakes aren't your thing, Maryland may not hold you against your will.

it's also great if you wish to attenuate a modern economy by making it very difficult to do business across state lines, or to tolerate doing business within, say, alabama, where it would be legal to fire weapons "defensively" into a group of three of more darkies of any sort wherever they may appear, 'cause they would obviously be up to some kinda gang thing. and all businesses would have to be closed on sunday. no faggots either. schoolchildren would be taught no science, no nothin' other than some bizarre version of christian myth that prepared them for nothing other than waiting around for the rapture. it would be like someone refusing to understand anything about macroeonomics, who was content with simply clinging to (guns, religion, and...) an irrational faith in the magic hand of the market. speaking of the hand though, it would slap y'alls shit down. i don't imagine sanjay's capital being invested in such potential goat fucker dystopias. or mine. before you know it, it would not be mexicans hanging out at the local homo depot looking for work. it would be the remaining members of lynyrd skynyrd and their vile offspring.


molṑn labé
Staff member
being surrounded by swirling cesspools of soundbytes and with literacy waning, we're on the way to a new level of stupidity

Funny how, after the federal takeover of the education system, and several insipid federal court rulings, our level of education plummeted. There were,
and always will be low life uneducated fools. However, in the past, they weren't high school graduates


Well-Known Member
He's right yanno the people are to blame for this.
If a sizable chunk of the population didn't want free shit
we'd have never raced down this road to socialism
but now that we are along for the ride let's sit back and enjoy
the scenery on the way to Hell.


Funny how, after the federal takeover of the education system, and several insipid federal court rulings, our level of education plummeted. There were,
and always will be low life uneducated fools. However, in the past, they weren't high school graduates

the reason education sucks in this country is because grumpkins like you don't understand its value. the other stuff is just incidental.

winky: "BLAH BLAH BLAH commie BLAH BLAH free shit BLAH BLAH." yawn. get some new blather. or post more chicks.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Like all good maleducated elitists, you don't understand the word VALUE. I know that
government run institutions of learning are nothing but centers for indoctrination.
I know that education is irreplaceable, provided that the education is learing facts, then
learning to place those facts into context. Something which you have a hard time with.