Donnie Darko

flavio - there's this bit at the end where the song "Mad World" plays. Totally kills me, man. A beautiful piece of film making... :crying3:
"Did he tell you about his new friend"?
"What friend"?
"The big rabbit"

Yeah that was pretty good.
Wish i would have seen it when it came out but such is the case with all the best movies.
I made my flatmate go out and rent it so I could watch it after I did my packing. I love how he went off on Patrick Swayze.
This site has some good comments about the film including a bit of The Philosophy of Time Travel book.

I think there was a more extensive version of The Philosophy of Time Travel on the official site which no longer appears to be up.

It looks like it's on the DVD though, I guess I'll see when it comes.
The best part was when he was about to start jacking off under hypnosis. I just about fell out of my chair.

ps. Time travel is ridiculous.
Got my DVD copy a few days ago. WOoWOWOwowowowowwooooo!!!