Don't consume poison, don't get expelled - how's this for college policy?


New Member
I heard this on TV. Some colleges are having a policy that requires all their students to refrain from consuming poisonous substances such as alcohol and tobacco (but not possessing since someone could put such poisons in their lockers/vehicles and frame them - they just have to turn them over to college officials, otherwise they get expelled). What do you think about this for an idea? Is it good? I think it is. Poisons rot people's brains and make them abusive.

nothing wrong with an occasional drink...and some people just smoke, others don't. if you're in college you're old enough to make your own decisions.
nobody had any right to tell me not to drink or smoke when i was 18.
If you don't wanna drink, don't. When you start preaching that others have to stop, you just lost me.
Drinking and smoking are rights that adults have, but a private college can ban either of them if it so chooses.
Nah, ya need booze and drugs to stop em thinkin'.......gods help us if the young uns ever sober up enough to realise wot a fuckup of a world they'll be inheriting ;)
markjs said:
Drinking and smoking are rights that adults have, but a private college can ban either of them if it so chooses.

There's a private college in my old home-town that banned drinking by students and faculty both on and off campus. It's a Christian college, and, for quite some time, it worked. What they hadn't planned on, however, was people drinking off-campus anyway. Some students got busted for drinking under-age, and, for about a week, it was a big scandal. At the time, I was taking a few classes there, but, since I lived off campus, my fridge was quite well-stocked with a wide variety of imported lagers and pilsners. :shrug: If I got in trouble, I really didn't care. I was 22 at the time.
BYU has a similar policy as part of its "Honor Code." The Honor Code is basically a laundry list of rules the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints imposes on its members (although few follow them) including no drinking, smoking or caffeine, or premarital sex. So if you go to a party, have a beer and get your freak on, you're probably going to be expelled.
Gato_Solo said:
There's a private college in my old home-town that banned drinking by students and faculty both on and off campus. It's a Christian college, and, for quite some time, it worked. What they hadn't planned on, however, was people drinking off-campus anyway. Some students got busted for drinking under-age, and, for about a week, it was a big scandal. At the time, I was taking a few classes there, but, since I lived off campus, my fridge was quite well-stocked with a wide variety of imported lagers and pilsners. :shrug: If I got in trouble, I really didn't care. I was 22 at the time.

It still does not change the fact that any private college has the right to impose such rules.
markjs said:
It still does not change the fact that any private college has the right to impose such rules.

Funny how you seem to be for a private institution imposing their own rules for behavior in this case, but totally against a private institution making their own rules in another, ie the smoking ban in bars and resaurants. Talk about hypocrisy run amock...
Gato_Solo said:
Funny how you seem to be for a private institution imposing their own rules for behavior in this case, but totally against a private institution making their own rules in another, ie the smoking ban in bars and resaurants. Talk about hypocrisy run amock...

I certainly don't remeber being against any smoking ban? If anything I am an advocate of the non smokers right to a smoke free environment. But if a bar or restaraunt caters to smokers then non smokers don't have to go do they?
So the non smoking majority should always cater to the smoking minority and screw clean air? I am personally against goverment smoking bans except in government buildings, but private businesses should be able to se their own rules within reason and within the law.
I've made myself clear on what I believe. I menat that you're off the mark in your response.

Gato said:
you seem to be for a private institution imposing their own rules for behavior in this case, but totally against a private institution making their own rules in another, ie the smoking ban in bars and resaurants.
markjs said:
I certainly don't remeber being against any smoking ban? If anything I am an advocate of the non smokers right to a smoke free environment.

then the hypocrisy stands up & bellows
I am personally against goverment smoking bans...
If you take things out of context you can make me say anything you like. I admit I mis-stated my position. I guess I wasn't clear enough, I am not against any smoking ban by the government on it's own buildings or by a business on it's premises, I am against government bans that apply to private business.

Is that clearer?
Oz said:
Nah, ya need booze and drugs to stop em thinkin'.......gods help us if the young uns ever sober up enough to realise wot a fuckup of a world they'll be inheriting ;)
Gee, that really fills my heart with hope and makes me want to study as hard as humanly possible.
markjs said:
If you take things out of context you can make me say anything you like.

There's a thread all by itself. Say what you mean & mean what you say. It's harder to be taken out of context that way.
Punishment for students who misbehave in school

I just heard this from a kid at my church. His school has some kind of anti-misbehavior policy. It works like this: If a group of students collaborates to cause trobule for one or more teachers and or students, then that group is punished in an amount equal to the total number of students involved. Like if 5 students collaborate together to make fun of a teacher or student, then their punishment (a detention for each of them) is multiplied by 3. The punishment is further multiplied by the number of times the student committed the offense. So if the student is in that group of 5 students and he/she has made fun of someone for 3 times, and is caught again for a 4th time making fun of someone, then he/she would have to serve 20 detentions. And during all the school hours the students in the group who committed the offense they must refrain from communicating with each other. Making a minor attack against someone results in a week of in school suspension (fighting students are sent to an isolation room) and multipliers listed above apply. The anti-misbehavior policy was put in place after increases of several fights that broke out and how a substitute teacher quit teaching at the school after students made of him.