Dreams and nightmares


Well-Known Member
Post your nocturnal hallucinations here... Thought it might be interesting to see what other people dream about.
(Mods, feel free to move this if you feel that it's better suited for KK or whatever. I just thought LL was the closest match.)
Here goes:

Well, after playing Max Payne 2 for 14 hours straight you get some pretty horrible nightmares.
I dreamt i was being chased through a forest along a muddy road by some people for some odd reason. The sky was dark and rain was pouring down by the bucket. I had a sawed-off shotgun with a wooden handle, but the ammunition was soaked so the gun was pretty useless against my adversaries.
I ran off the road and hid in a nearby forest, my heart racing like crazy... I hid in the thick underbrush while i waited for my pursuers to give up.
Eventually, they gave up and walked away. I carefully emerged from my hiding place and started walking... That's when i saw him. A boy, no older than seventeen, with ragged clothes and a feral look on his face. He crept toward me in a very creepy and hostile manner, so i pointed my gun at him and told him to stay away, but to no avail.
Suddenly, he launched himself at me and started clawing and kicking at me! I kneed him in the head and grabbed the business end of my gun, turning the firearm into a club... I yelled at him; "Stop, please! I don't want to hurt you!"
He growled and came at me again despite my pleas, forcing me to take action. The handle of the shotgun struck him once, twice... He fell and crawled up into a fetal position, covering his face... The oak handle found home once again, striking my opponent's skull, causing him to utter a pained whimper. There was a loud crack as the fourth blow struck the savage's temple, cracking bone and spraying blood. Tears streamed down my face as i beat him again, and again, and again, and again...
I woke up with a scream, my heart pounding like crazy. It took me a good couple of minutes to regain control of myself.

Needless to say, i wasn't too keen on playing MP2 again after that.
They are difficult to remember since most people forget them anyway unless they have a reason not to.
I don't remember my dream from last night, but my mother told me that I said something in my sleep like "You're not the God of all." I have no idea how to interpret that...
This one is an early childhood dream:

My family and I lived in a large dollhouse. We were small, like dolls. Every day at a certain time, a regular-sized person would arrive and scare the living hell out of us by grabbing at us, then leave at a set time. We knew when he was coming because of the thundering footsteps. So we learned to hide in the space between the wall and the fridge. One day, the 'big guy' found the place we hid, but before he could get to us, he had to leave. The next day, we heard the footsteps and hid under the kitchen table. He found us quickly, and started reaching for us. Everyone escaped, and as I tried to, my foot got caught in the chair. Just as he grabbed me, I woke up.