

Well-Known Member

Don't know if it real or not but wow...what a day at the office
Professur said:
"t'ain't. If it were, there'd only be one comp.

Actually a programmer on another board says it is real but its likely not something a hobbyist put together. Seems more like a custom job done by a developer with custom software neccessary to put this together. 8 machines parallel processing the information.
It is possible, but I don't think its real. Not enough cords. I also don't know of any games that fully support such a mass distribution.
A custom job perhaps...no off the shelf game or simulation...as for the chords..well they could be there. The image focuses mainly on the moniters.
Nah, if it's real, where's the kleenex?

I know I'd be watching some serious pornage on that system...
Looks real enough to me...and as for porn...that's a bad layout for it. They'd have to be more upright. At least the joystick wouldn't have to be moved :)