dual monitors....

no prob.....lots of people do that....I was asking because I'd MUCH rather swim with nekkid ladies than men....they're more fun :brow:

I first got on the internet after watching the NBC series thing on the Merlin story....waaaaay back in the day. *sniff* ;)

love the keyboard...used this design since 2001. I can type faster on them than the "normal ones," though I still have normal ones in my office. The mouse here is going out though....making a loud clicking noise when clicking, like its broken something inside. I guess its about time for a new one anyway...
I did, I'll admit. Didn't steal it entirely tho...;)

check out the comments for that story.
yeah, too bad not every front of the drives is painted as well :( it was, but this case is 2.5 yrs old and a few things have been replaced over time...

too bad i didn't have a cam 2.5 yrs ago, 'cause the first year i used a HEAVILY modified mini tower as a huge switch box..everything in and outside it was home made, it had 14 micro switches on the front (like the 3 that are shown there) and those were connected to LED's as well...if the particular fan group was set to 5V, the red LED burned, if set to 12V, a blue LED burned...
every group was calculated on airflow so it could be used seperately :D
and evert LED of the drives and the HD's were connected to other LED's on that front panel as well, so i could see all activity on one big panel :D

that last thing was a bit of a problem, because i had to open every drive and solder wires to the LED connections...
believe me, it's not much fun opening a (back then) $200 DVD ROM drive, solder on the print and drill two small holes on the back for the wires :D

and then i haven't even mentioned the 13 molex connectors which had to be directed from the switch box to the main computer...i have a picture of the laying somewhere...hang on :D
Damn that is scary
I only have 1 monitor (But if I had a video card that can cupport 2 monitors or another PCI video card I would have 2 22" monitors)
alex said:
I had a Sony FW900 24" widescreen monitor on my puter at work for a while...


Man, when I'm working for ILM or something I'll get me a few of those. Mind you, their 23" widescreen LCDs are pretty neato too.

BTW, me last year...


If I can have dual monitors in a tiny little dorm room then you guys complaining about space have no excuse!