Dumbest question evah.

AlphaTroll said:
Just what I like - a clean faqqer, don't want any nasty left over faqs drifitng around now do we?

Indeed, can't have the remnants of old faq's around.........people only stare at them and wonder where they came from.
bleach said:
Indeed, can't have the remnants of old faq's around.........people only stare at them and wonder where they came from.

And you can't have people calling you a dirty old faq now can you? Just wouldn't be true............well, yer not dirty anyway ;)
electric_mind said:
So let me get this straight... the more you FAQ, the more Karma you get?
FAQ-ing gives you knowledge. knowledge will help you get karma...i dunno about the power thing...if karma and the FAQ are related, does that mean you have to FAQ around?
oh dear, if there is one thing that makes me look like grumpy bear its the karma system :D

i believe you'll find the more you karma the more karma you get. perhaps we should just cut out the middleman and just allow everyone to give themselves their own karma until thir pips explode.

It's a needless syetm designed for further amusement.....use it if you must or ignore it...choice is yours.
Buttcrackdivine said:
It's a needless syetm designed for further amusement.....use it if you must or ignore it...choice is yours.
so considering that yours is turned on, are you using or ignoring? ;)
tommyj27 said:
so considering that yours is turned on, are you using or ignoring? ;)

I used it only 4 times during it's annugral use..after that i stopped, haven't asked anyone to give me any nor do i give any to anyone anymore.