
Ahhhhh, how cute. A reporter trying to be a shrink. Maybe in her next life :D
i seem to recall reading several cia blokes who had come to press saying that they were mystified that bush's speech referred to uranium when they had investigated in march 2002 and found it false.

someone recently said that the defence department asked for a report on it around about september and the report to that was it was false and was subsequently passed to all departments.

my feeling is that the head of the cia was asked to take the fall for an administration cock-up. he can say i'm very sorry, bush can forgive him and look magnanimous, generous and not directly a liar .

all very neat and tidy, but i very much doubt that the administration, and certainly rumsfeld at the dod, didn't know the uranium story was dodgy.
Bush wasn't told squat. Does the term "plausible deniability" ring a bell?
AP said:
...the statement was and remains accurate; it was cleared for delivery by all necessary agencies; it was a minor part of Bush's speech; it is supported by more evidence than documents revealed earlier that were proved to have been forged.
From the link.

U.S. officials have been denied access to the additional evidence, she said.

Graham, the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on NBC that Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) personally had asked for a CIA review of the Iraq-Niger link.

That he got no response, Graham said, "I will have to say that stretches belief ... The idea that he did not get a report back, and that that report did not contain the recommendations of Ambassador Wilson? I think I've got some swampland to sell to you."

Don't people ever feel silly falling for this crap over and over again?
the sunday times news review pages reported what i have read from more than one source - in feb 2002 dick cheney asked a senior diplomat to investigate the niger uranium claims as he had reservations over the information.

sunday times online

if this story has credence then rice and bush have been solidly feeding the public a falsehood to protect their backs and leaving cia chief tenet to take the fall. when all along their administration knew the reality.
Bush and his administration are acting like a bunch of naughtly little boys who've been caught out telling lies and who're still trying to make excuses...

They were obviously so eager to get backing for Iraq that they didn't check their facts properly. Now they are paying the price of maladministration, unfortunately not directly since it's the troops on the ground in Iraq who are really paying the price...,1,3811720.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials

Someone needs a damn good spanking if you ask me!
Aunty Em said:
Bush and his administration are acting like a bunch of naughtly little boys who've been caught out telling lies and who're still trying to make excuses...

They were obviously so eager to get backing for Iraq that they didn't check their facts properly. Now they are paying the price of maladministration, unfortunately not directly since it's the troops on the ground in Iraq who are really paying the price...,1,3811720.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials

Someone needs a damn good spanking if you ask me!

i do i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait it only works if you dont enjoy it :mope: