Election Day 2012

Infowars Covers Puppet Election Live


meh, maybe I wasted time voting, but....
that and blabbing bluster is all I can do by myself atm, so, I'm gonna vote.

I know all the stuff, and so-called stuff goes on, or may go on, but I'm not
going to dwell on it on a large scale.
I'll work on that local all I can.
Otherwise you're just making yourself miserable for no reason.
I like my 'Optimism'.
Not say to bury your head, just not to dwell.
I thought a long sleeved plaid shirt and being stoned was the default for your hood?
no not where i live. mostly professional. though we still look like slobs. i wore a sportcoat for the first time in years on saturday, at a charity dinner. the likely new governor was at the next table. he seemed like a wuss.
well it's Obama and Harry for 4 more.
Well meh, at least I don't have to be concerned with politics now,
just have to work on surviving for a few more years now.
I think the economy is going to slide back up regardless, just gonna be slow.
All I can hope is that some standards will come about, and the same apply to all.

Life goes on for now, but I probably won't be coming around quite as much here.
I'm working on other options.....trying to adapt.