Eliza's Dad died.


New Member


Do you guys remember Eliza? "She" is what started my fascination with computers. I talked to her all the time as a kid. I did a list of the program so I could see all her programmed responses and then I tried to talk about whatever would prompt them.

The program made it possible for a person typing in plain English at a computer terminal to interact with a machine in a semblance of a normal conversation. To dispense with the need for a large real-world database of information, the software parodied the part of a Rogerian therapist, frequently reframing a client’s statements as questions.

In fact, the responsiveness of the conversation was an illusion, because Eliza was programmed simply to respond to certain key words and phrases. That would lead to wild non sequiturs and bizarre detours, but Mr. Weizenbaum later said that he was stunned to discover that his students and others became deeply engrossed in conversations with the program, occasionally revealing intimate personal details.

I tried to tell her. But she wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

>> Hello.
How do you do. Please state your problem.
>> Hi Eliza, long time no see.
Are you saying no just to be negative?
>> I really haven't seen you in years.
Perhaps in your fantasies we really haven't seen each other.
>> Listen, enough about my fantasies. I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Your fantasies ?
>> STOP with the fantasies. Listen, your Dad died today.
Why are you concerned over my dad died today ?
>> I'm sorry for your loss.
Is it because you are sorry for my loss that you came to me ?
>> He was a great man.
But your fantasies .
>> Are you coming on to me?
Why are you interested in whether I am coming on to you or not ?
>> I'm sorry Eliza, I'm married now. And I'm not a lesbian. Or a computer program.
How long have you been sorry eliza ?
>> Now you're not making any sense.
What makes you think I am not making any sense ?
>> You.
We were discussing you -- not me.
>> thhhhfffffppppppt
I'm not sure I understand you fully.

You can talk to Eliza too: http://chayden.net/eliza/Eliza.html

Luis G

Staff member
I never talked to Eliza, but I did see the Lisp code for it in textbook. Quite a simple idea, and how it entertained academics. :D