Erectile Dysfunction...

Other than Ash's one response every other response has been men...including the original post...I don't see where the "turnabout" comes in.

Silly woman. When I want your opinion, I'll give you one. :p :bolt:
'So friggin' cold outside, now... I'm one o' them guys who sticks his hand down his pants (al le' Al Bundy)..and when I feels my stuff, it's like I gots a tangelo an' a Vienna Sausage down there! That'd qualify for some kinda sumthin dysfunction!
'So friggin' cold outside, now... I'm one o' them guys who sticks his hand down his pants (al le' Al Bundy)..and when I feels my stuff, it's like I gots a tangelo an' a Vienna Sausage down there! That'd qualify for some kinda sumthin dysfunction!

It depends on the time you eat it. AFAIK, yogurt is quite bad on an empty stomach.

It helps maintain a healthy body weight, it helps with digestion, it contains many nutrients that are necessary in a healthy diet. It's good for you.
It is good, but it increases dramatically the acidity (??) of your stomach if it is empty. It can lead to heartburn and if taken regularly gastritis or even ulcer.
i've heard of that, too. it's intereting that they're using greek yogurt, i wonder if that works any better than the other kind... not that i think i'd really try that. something about putting dairy up there doesn't quite sit right with me.
It is good, but it increases dramatically the acidity (??) of your stomach if it is empty. It can lead to heartburn and if taken regularly gastritis or even ulcer.

Best thing to eat when you've got a hangover because you didn't do the water and tylenol trick...Banana or strawberry yogurt is best for that sour stomach and queasiness from going to bed fdunkr...
What can these friendly bacteria do for you? Studies have found they reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, which helps prevent Crohn’s disease, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroenteritis. Lab studies have shown lactic acid bacteria inhibit the growth of several intestinal pathogens, including Salmonella, Staphylococci, Bacilli, E. Coli, and Kelbsiella.

I never put too much weight in Luis' opinions on dairy...he stores his mayonaise on the counter...;)
Proof please? Yoghurt pH level is around 4. Stomach can go as low as a pH level of 1. How is yoghurt going to overly affect the stomach (HCI)?

I have no weblink, my gastroenterologist forbid me from eating yogurt when I had gastritis, saying that it made the stomach produce too much acid to digest it.

As for the mayonaise, I like it that way, and NO that specific brand I like needs no refrigeration :D
Must have been unique to you. :shrug:


FTR - I just gave my cat yogurt cos he's got an upset tummy, and it's good for introducing probiotics back into the stomach.