Eric Holder on brainwashing people


Well-Known Member
January 1995, in his own words and his own voice, speaking about how to brainwash -- his words -- people into thinking that firearms are bad.

He wanted a campaign, like that used on cigarettes, to demonize firearms.

Fast and furious is his baby; and perhaps it was his idea. Is it any wonder he is stonewalling, and refusing to cooperate with, the congressional hearings?

This is the caliber of person we have as the top law enforcement officer of the land.


Well-Known Member
If this was a Republican administration
and the attorney general commuted an act far less egregious
than this he would have had to resign months ago.

The The New Black Panther voter intimidation case was bad enough.



Well-Known Member
Eric Holder is a racist

other than the Patriot Act what is Ashcroft infamous for?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Eric Holder has broken the law, needs to resign, or preferably, be forcibly removed & charged.


yeah holder needs to go. putting that knob-kneed shit bandit in that position is among obama's greatest missteps.

at the same time i find the current outcry over a 15 year-old bullshit public service message to gangster wannabe kids a little bit less than nothing. is it surprising? not in the remotest sense. the only surprise is that obama has yet to bounce the guy. slick mitt would bounce such an eyesore lickety-split. WTF?


molṑn labé
Staff member
It may be 15 years old but it is still an insight into his ideology & goals


yeah but it's still like discovering evidence that carter was a dipshit.

dude has been on the insect list for me since well before fast and furious...


because jim mentioned the "caliber" of AGs...

you can't really top LOSING TO A DEAD GUY. that's WINNING harder than charlie sheen could ever aspire to.

nothing else, really.

but if would satisfy you more, how about i say

"ashcroft was a super dummy dum-dum fascist pig?"

now you can feel free to hike your panties up extra high, grind around in that shit, and go peel one off in the restroom at the local jalisco mexican restaurant. watch out for the fag waiter, BTW.