Ever dialed 911?


I got the idea for this thread from a story I just heard... So has anyone ever dialed 911? What was it about?
Yep. Walked in to my house to find my grandmother's body on the living room floor when I was 16.
called before, a few times it wasn't an emergency. had to once when my brother fell about 5m from an apple tree
I have and believe me, you should consider yourself lucky if you haven't had to. :(
by mistake, someone thought it funny to program my cell phone from calling my house to 911. wasnt too funny trying to explain that i didnt know why my phone called theminstead of my house.
samcurry said:
by mistake, someone thought it funny to program my cell phone from calling my house to 911. wasnt too funny trying to explain that i didnt know why my phone called theminstead of my house.

Damn, what a stupid prank! :rolleyes:
Been more on the receiving end too but I only called it myself once for someone who was trying to gain entry to my house without my permission. It was a guy looking to kick the shit out of my brother (he was high and my bro owed him money) and wouldn't believe that he wasn't in the house (I was the only one home).

I told him to leave, he wouldn't, I called the police and let them hear him yelling and banging on the door. Once I hung up with them, I got my rifle off the rack (checked to make sure it wasn't loaded but put some ammo in my pocket just in case) and told him if he didn't leave before the cops got there, he was going to be sorry. He thought I was bluffing till I pulled the curtains on the front door back with the barrel of the gun. Then he cooperated and hauled ass off the property. I filled out a police report and my neighbors all witnessed it. I left out the part about the gun. :)
You could of been busted. Besides, why would you do something like that if the cops were on the way? If he had gotten in then I could see running his ass out with it but you should of waited for the cops to haul him off.

That is unless you prefer the mace route which I happen to like.:D
I would have done the same as GF. :shrug:

I call quite a bit it seems compared to everyone else here. Just yesterday there was a car that flipped a few times in front of me and then rolled down an elevated highway embankment. The time before that was when I came home around 2:30am and found a group of guys trying to get into my neighbors car.....and thats just the last few times since the beginning of the year....

...jesus I have bad luck...:eek: