F*ck it! Let's pull out of the middle east.


Well-Known Member
I say scrap the war plans for Iraq, let North Korea do whatever the hell they want and pull out of the U.N.
Let the world do what it will.
Why not? Maybe then the world will become a more peacful place without the US interfering with everyone.:shrug:
Sure. If we pull out of 75% of our military affairs around the world i'm pretty sure we can afford a S.M.A.R.T. missile defense system.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Sure. If we pull out of 75% of our military affairs around the world i'm pretty sure we can afford a S.M.A.R.T. missile defense system.

Afford it or noe, I believe they are aready working on that.;)

I think "Star Wars" is already up there, they just don't want
anyone to know it.

Hex I'm amost kinda, halfway, with you on this one.
Altough I don't have the intel. the pres. has.:shrug:
Possibly a few smart or satellite tracking missiles but not star wars as we once knew it. The lasers we currently have just don't penetrate the atmosphere well enough.
I dunno,
Like Prof. said about Canada stuff. What we can see isn't
a drop in the bucket to what they have. And we can see
that they have spy satallites the can zoom in on a dime
in Time square, and read the date on it, and they have
lasers that can cut steel easily, so why not Star Wars?

My brother inlaw has a sat. dish that works just fine in cloudy
I'd have to agree, does anyone know when the first B2 was built? I'm betting at least 10 years before any of us knew about it. They just had to admit after about 2 million people saw it flying out of Missouri.
I would bet its there or almost there now...But then, we wouldn't spend money on weapons to control the world. We are the US and our hats are white....
What we can see isn't
a drop in the bucket to what they have.
This doesn't hold as true as it once did. The private sector has caught up with and in many cases serpassed the technology of the government. Star wars was based on a laser guided system. Yes lasers can punch through steel but they still can't penetrate the atmosphere. We've only just begun using smart missiles in warfar so the odds that we've already secretly come up with the cash for a massive secret missile defense system are not very good. We'll know when the system goes up becuase the technology will be in the news. Until then many in congress will scream at the rooftops every time we attempt to allocate the cash for such a program.
i dislike meddling in the affairs of other sovereign nations for several reasons. for one it seems unfair, as if we are treating them like children. the US has had its own ups and downs and made its own mistakes and committed its own atrocities, but we would fight very hard any attempt by a foreign power to come in and force us to change our ways. i'm sure other countries feel the same way, they just arent powerful enough to stop us. so its kind of hypocritical of us to meddle.
also, if we interfere in one case, where does it end? we went into afganistan, and now we're going into iraq. and there are plenty of other terrible world leaders out there who are dangerous and do viscous things aside from saddam and the taliban. so if we go after some and not others what does that mean about us? more hypocracy i suppose.
are justified in invading every country whose leader is inhumane and dangerous to the world community? are we justified in invading only some and leaving other alone? how do we define "inhumane" and "dangerous?"
ont he other hand, isolationism does not have a good track record either. and we always have to ask ourselves: are we justified in standing by and doing nothing?
nnewton said:
how do we define "inhumane" and "dangerous?
i think the prevailing definitions of inhumane and dangerous would be those of mr. bush. if they were not, he would have a difficult time defending U.S. actions against other members of the world community as being anything other than dangerous.
nnewton said:
i dislike meddling...and we always have to ask ourselves: are we justified in standing by and doing nothing?

Oh, where to begin. We don't meddle. If the country doesn't like our presence, they can demand we leave. It is really that simple. With our departure comes the possibility of funding being dropped or protection suddenly lacking. They like those so we stay.

Ups & down? So, you'd rather live in 1939 Germany? Ours is the fairest, strongest & most diverse country EVER. We don't invade countries for land, we don't stop the press from reporting our ineviatble misdeeds (comes with the territory), we don't condemn prisoners without habeas corpus. In short we are the greatest governing system ever devised by man. We are also the largest contributors of food, clothing & medicine in history. If you don't like our system, find a better one.

Afghanistan-think back real hard. It wasn't long ago. 2 American planes flew into 2 buildings in New York City, NY, USA & killed over 3000 civilians. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon in our nations capitol, killing a couple hundred. A 4th plane bound for (rumors say the White House or the Capitol) was diverted by civilians who learned of the NYC attack. Several hundred people were on board the assorted flights & died. In short, we were attacked. By whom? By a religious zealot & some of his nutcase followers who wish harm to me, my family, my friends & my country. They wish us dead!!! Where did these zealots train? The smae place they were welcomed. Afghanistan. The Taliban, then governing control of that country, had several weeks to hand over the dangerous people. They chose not to do so. They were warned.

Iraq-Back to WWII. If, given the chance, wouldn't you, or someone you know, like to travel back in time & remove Hitler before his rise to glory in the Third Reich? Well, nows your chance. Only, instead of a power mad Jew hater in Europe, it's a power mad Jew hater in the Middle East. Given the time, he'd likely be worse than Hitler. Why? He wants to control the flow of oil to the enire world, not just bomb his continent for land sake.

Consider this-As screwed up as America can be, there is nothing better currently available & nobody more likely to assist it's victims after a war which, in the long run, creates a better living condition than previously. Ask Japan.
Consider this-As screwed up as America can be, there is nothing better currently available

I'm sure some people would take issue with that. I love where I live too, but so do people in other countries and for good reason.
flavio said:
I'm sure some people would take issue with that. I love where I live too, but so do people in other countries and for good reason.

Most likely, true. Although, last time I checked, Spain asn't being overrun by people wishing to live there.