Farming ...


New Member
A farmer was sitting on his porch one day when a young man drives in and
comes to the door.
"Sir, I was driving by and noticed you had a lot of milkweed in your
pasture. Would you mind if I went out and got some milk?"
"You don't get milk from milkweed!" the farmer replied. "Oh yes," said
the young man, "I have a degree in Agriculture from Texas A&M, I know
all about it."
"Well, help yourself," said the farmer.
He soon saw the young man coming back to his car with two buckets full
of milk. The next day the farmer was again sitting on his porch when the
same young man drove up. "Sir, yesterday when I was gettin g milk, I
noticed you had some honeysuckle in the fence row. I wondered if you
would mind if I got some honey?"
"You don't get honey from honeysuckle!" said the farmer. Again the young
man explained about his degree from A&M so the farmer agreed to let him
collect some honey. Soon the young man came back to his car with two
buckets full of honey. The next day the same young man drove up to the
farmer's house.
"Sir, yesterday when I was getting the honey, I noticed you had some
pussy willow down by the creek." The farmer said, "Let me get my shoes
and I'll go with you..."


New Member
I didn't want to start a new thread, so here's another joke from an email ... a cute lil one, too. :D

An elderly gentleman went to the local drug store and asked the Pharmacist for Viagra.

The pharmacist asked "How many?"

The man replied, "Just few, maybe a half dozen. I cut each one into four pieces."

The pharmacist said, "That's too small a dose. That won't get you through sex."

The old fellow said, "Oh, I'm past eighty years old and I don't even think about sex anymore. I just want it to stick out far enough so I don't pee on my shoes...."



New Member
No sex past 80? Then why bother living? I plan on having sex until the paramedics rip the half used syringe of testosterone right outta my cold, blue arm.