Find-a-word Game #1

Sleeping Giant

New Member
I'd like to play a game, a find-a-word game, that's the kind of game where you start with a base phrase and see how many other words you can make out of the letters. To make it fair, we need some rules:

1. One word per post.
2. When you post a new word, you must wait until someone else posts another word before you can post your next word; this prevents one person from listing all possible words in one go.
3. You can only use a particular letter up to the number of times it appears in the base phrase; for example, if the base phrase contains the letter "A" two times, you can use it up to two times, no more.
4. You may not take a word that's already been posted and pluralize it; you may only add an "S" or "ES" only if it creates a fundamentally different word (assuming those letters are available to use).
5. No propper names, unless the name is also a regular word; for example, "Joy" can be a person's name, but it's also a regular word, so it is acceptable.
6. Please only post words in English, since English is the common language for this message board. (I'm open to suggestion as to whether or not this should be limited to only American-English.)
7. Whoever posts the base phrase is permitted to make certain reasonable stipulations; for example, to limit the word length of valid words.
8. In the event that you feel another participant has posted an invalid word, you are free to challenge that word, with a ruling determined by popular opinion, myself, or a moderator.

Finally, just to make this more interesting, this will be scored. Each valid word will gain who posted it one point. The game will end exactly seven days, to the minute, the base phrase is posted. Points will be totalled and tallied and a winner declared. At that time, the winner may create a new base phrase with which to continue this game in another thread, or if the winner does not wish to or cannot do so, the runner-up, myself, or a moderator may post the next base phrase.

I hope this sounds like as much fun to you all as it does to me!

So, without further ado, I hereby post the opening base phrase, inspired by a kid's place mat at the Friendly's restaurant I had lunch at earlier today:

Hidden Cone Sundae

Special stipulations for this base phrase: Words must be three or four letters long, no more, no less.

Let the fun begin! :)
dense....and i must be because i missed the stipulation......den....
and since bungi said that already......sand....god damn it! i'm stoned.....i'll think some more.