Found- A thong,floral pattern, looking for owner


It has long been rumored that dryers eat up socks and that's why there is always one missing. Our dryer has turned those missing socks, into a thong.

That is the only explaination we have come up with, because a thong has appeared from which no one has seen before.

The thong wearers in the house say it is not one of theirs, for they surely would know if it was.

So, now, there it sits, clinging to the end post on the stair rail, it's floral pattern seemingly looking out, searching for its lost owner, beckoning,
"Where art thou, my Master?
Why have thou forsaken me?
Have I not served thou well?
Have I not nestled my floraly goodness in thou most personal of places?"

I gotta get hold of those people from Unsolved Mysteries.
AlladinSane said:
ROFL@thread. BTW are you merried dude. If yes, I would have a talk with the wife... :eyebrow:
No I'm not married, but, as some say, living in sin.(Although the sinning part is becoming too infrequent)

I think if I'm ever going to find out the owner of the thong, I'm going to have set out and search the land.

I must travel from hamlet to hamlet, and have fair maidens across the land, try on the the thong until I find the one that it fits.

My quest for for "Thongderella", starts tomorow morn.

Wish me luck.