Friends 18th Birthday........Ideas Please


New Member
Ok I'm taking a friend out for her 18th Birthday, I'm thinking dinner then to the casino or maybe a strip club....or clubbing? Any other ideas?
no no no, a nice dinner and perhapes going to dance later will do better.
Is this just a friend or a gf?

I'd personally LOVE to have a close male friend take me to a strip club for my birthday. I would not like a bf to take me though. He can go as much as he wants, it doesn't matter to me, but I would not want to be there with him (ha! I am talking about "him" like he is real!!!:laugh5: )
Well, if she is the type of person who is into that sort of thing I'd say DEFINATELY go with the strip club.

I rather enjoy them myself...:shrug:
Friends with benefits keep you from being the very best friends possible. I think it holds you back from that little bit that makes it a real, true friendship that will stand through the tests of time.
something fun

Go-Karting is another favourite of mine

Also, concerts...small, local, concerts. I was at one last night, was GREAT!
Personally, I'd skip in the casino. I woudl prefer to spend my money on something else.

Clubbing is a good idea though.
Is it the type of friend that you'd like to be more than a friend (relationship type..not just w/benefits)?

Skip the club then. Do something sweet and romantic. Take her out to dinner (something outside if you can), then something that's fun, and then turn sides and take a walk through a big park, beach, or something. And take a rose, girls love roses.

If not, do what she thinks is fun. It's her night out, let her emberass you as much as she wants :p
Stkshft said:
more towards the fun side......but romantic wouldnt hurt any

I'd take her out for a nice dinner at a fine restaurant, after all she won't be turning 18 again. After that, take her out to a nightclub or a nice bar (no biker bar or a smutty bar). :)

/dimme over and out