Friendship to the next level?


New Member
Ok heres the situation, This one girl I work with I like a lot, but right now she is just a friend. I would like it to be more then that, but I'm not sure how she feels. What would be the best way to find out how she feels, without just comming out and asking?
Stkshft said:
What would be the best way to find out how she feels, without just comming out and asking?

Pass her a note during study hall.
Ok, how about asking her? Here's the scenario, you ask her, she says no, you go on. You ask her, she says yes, you go in. It's really quite simple.
yea but i wouldn't feel right comming out and asking her....she is a good friend and i don't wanna risk loosing that.
Funny topic to talk aboiut. I just recently got together with an old ex-gf from high school..... If you two have alot in common and have no bad intentions I don't see why you guys wouldn't have a ball together on the other hand if she and you dont enjoy doing things together (either just the two of you or with a group) then it may be better to sit on it a bit more and feel out how she feels! Just my $.02
ya know....i wanted some help...and all i get is
a13antichrist said:
Stkshft wrote:
i wouldn't feel right comming out and asking her....she is a good friend and i don't wanna risk loosing that.

Fuck people are idiots.

if you don't have any advice why don't you just not post....that would help a lot more then what you do now.
Although A13 lacks this little thing some of us call tact, he is basically telling you what i told you. Go for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you want to live your life wondering what might have been or go for it and know that it would or wouldn't have worked out anyway? Carpe Diem.
I'm trying not to see that as my only option right now, I would like to have some sort of idea before asking her so i don't come off as being a compleate idiot.
Stkshft said:
I'm trying not to see that as my only option right now, I would like to have some sort of idea before asking her so i don't come off as being a compleate idiot.

Now that is the funniest thing I've heard today. You are a guy, right? Its in our nature to come across as a complete idiot. :tardbang:
Hey, I got an idea. How about being yourself? That way when the relationship is a few months old, you're still not pretending to be something you're not, and it might have a chance at working long term?
when did i ever say i wasn't being myself? I go do things with her....and its all good....but i'm just not quite sure
Ok, sorry. I maybe shouldn't have said that, but you said you didn't want to come across as an idiot. If she's that good of a friend, it won't hurt the friendship if you openly and honestly ask her how she feels. In fact, chicks dig open and honest.

Now, one last thing. You said you work with this girl. Do you work closely together? If you do, I would really recommend not saying anything, unless it's a job that could be easily replaced for you. Relationships at work can become very tricky very fast.
How are you going to find out if it's cool to ask her out without asking? There is no other way. There's no secret plot or anything. You have to put your pride on the line and just ask. Most women I know don't like beating around the bush.

And yes, work relationships can get dicey. Consider that if you do go out and find out she's a nut and you don't want to be with her, how are you going to deal with seeing her every day? Just consider that before you ask.