Gateway Timeout Error?

What is your connection? Browser name and version? OS?

Open a command window (Start->Run->"cmd" for WinNT/2k/XP, or "command" for Win9x/Me)

What do you get when you run "ping"?

How about "tracert"?
WinXP IE6.0 Cable

Here's what I get when I can connect:
Ping min=81ms max=639ms average=242ms
But when I can't, I just get server not found.

And here's the message I get when I can't load the site:
Gateway Timeout
The following error occurred:
A DNS lookup error occurred because the request timed out during the lookup. (DNS_TIMEOUT)
I've been having the same prob ,I can access the site then the next hour nothing .When I was here this afternoon ,I read this post ,so when I couldn't get here at just before 6p.m. PST I took the following screenshot


I have a dual boot Win98/XP and can't get to through either OS using IE6.02 or Netscape7,so I'm going to assume its not on my end .Also when this happens I can't access either.

OOPS forgot ,I'm using @shaw cable Internet.

Hope this helps :confuse3:
It must be something on your side, probably the DNS.
You can add the following line to your HOSTS file (on win98 it is located in c:\windows\ )

xibase and otc have the same IP, but the path to OTC is and you can't add that to the HOSTS file.
Luis G said:
It must be something on your side, probably the DNS.
You can add the following line to your HOSTS file (on win98 it is located in c:\windows\ )

xibase and otc have the same IP, but the path to OTC is and you can't add that to the HOSTS file.

I'm assuming you meant for me to add it to my hosts.sam ? I will see if it helps ,but I still don't think its my end ,maybe a Westcoast Internet Backbone?
Rename it to hosts with no extension. And yes you can still add to it with the same IP addy, the server will forward the requests to the right location.

In Win2k and XP, it's in C\[windows folder]\system32\drivers\etc
maybe a Westcoast Internet Backbone?
It's possible. The host mentioned something about a lot of west coast ISP's using Bind 9 which is pretty new and isn't completely backwards compatible with what ISP's who haven't upgraded yet use, Bind 8, causing the packet loss/DNS timeout problems.
Update :
I did screenshots of Ping and
tracert when I couldn't access OTC and emailed the links(to pics) to [email protected] and ,don't know if he got them?
I typed the IP into my address bar and was able to get to the xibase frontpage ,but all the links gave a DNS error.I went and added the info to the hosts file and was then able to surf the site.If your saying I can add to the hosts file as well this may solve the problem :)
Thanks for the help,
fury said:
It's possible. The host mentioned something about a lot of west coast ISP's using Bind 9 which is pretty new and isn't completely backwards compatible with what ISP's who haven't upgraded yet use, Bind 8, causing the packet loss/DNS timeout problems.

Could that be why I'm sometimes denied access to sites? ?(

e.g. "You do not have permission to access this site" type messages.
If your saying I can add to the hosts file as well this may solve the problem
Go for it.

Aunty Em: It's possible. I'm no networking expert, but it's probably related to the problem the host told me about.
I'm at home now but earlier I was surfing from work and encountered this error about an hour ago, it was fine up till then. Go figure? ?(

I got to xibase but couldn't come to OTC. :(
Can't say I understand it ,but couldn't get here again ,adding " to my host file allowed me access . :D

Thanks to those who solved my prob,hope it helps others too :headbang: